Plein Aire Events

People enjoy getting together to paint outdoors as the area we live in has many beautiful natural scenes artists can capture.  CRAG is sponsoring the following plein aire events for 2024.  People should bring a bag lunch and beverage.  Please bring a bag for trash and remember, “Take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints”.

Weekday          Date                      Time                        Host                          Location

Friday               May 31                  9:30am                   Sally                        Hodge Farm –  East Colebrook Rd. Colebrook (Rte. 26 to East Colebrook Rd., about 1.4 miles on right)

Tuesday           June 4                   9:30am                   Mia & Ken                Former Cow Palace, now Galloping Clouds, Gray Rd. Columbia, (Rte. 3 to Gray Rd. off Fish Pond)  Emphasis will be on practicing drawing/painting horses

Thursday          June 13                 9:30am                  Marty &  Linda          601 Bungy Rd. Columbia (take Rte. 26 to Bungy Rd., 2 miles up on the left)  Linda will serenade us with her music!

Monday            June 17                 9:30am                  Pam                         51 Choquette Dr. Pittsburg

Monday            June 24                 9:30am                  Evie                         941 Fish Pond Road, Columbia (off Rte. 3  4.2 miles up)  Emphasis will be on painting lupines  poppies with a background of mountains, but other options available

Monday             July 1                   9:30am                  Dennis                    723 Bishop Brook Rd. W. Stewartstown (2nd house off Rte. 145)  Emphasis will be on painting cows and water

Saturday/Sunday July 6/7            10:00am                                                 Poore Farm Rte. 145

Monday             July 15                9:30am                                                   Canaan Park, Canaan, VT Rte. 114 & Rte. 102

Weather forecast for this week shows rain, T-storms, scattered showers every day until Friday, when it’s supposed to be sunny.  Plein Air is rescheduled for Friday, July19, 9:30 a.m.   You can may go to the Canaan Park ahead of time & sketch out your subject so that Friday you can begin to paint immediately.  It is a public space, so you may go at any time.  The weatherman & I apologize for any inconvenience!

Evie Moder, 603-237-5037, [email protected]

Wednesday        July 24               9:30am                   Peggy & Wayne       53 Rte. 3, Stratford

Monday              July 29               9:30am                   Cathy                      420 Cottage Rd. Averill, VT  Emphasis on painting the lake and anything else you like

Monday              August 5            9:30am                    Kristine & Phil         91 Rte. 3, mile marker 213 Yellow house

Monday              August 12           9:30am                  Bob Soucy               Marshall Hill Rd., Columbia  Emphasis on painting mountains

Monday              August 19           9:30am                   Les & Patty              Wallace Lake, Canaan, VT  Emphasis on painting Lake Wallace

Monday  August 26 through Monday  September 2    Lancaster Fair         Emphasis on painting horses and/or other livestock (chickens, roosters, pigs, cows, vegetable crops, etc.)  **

Monday              September 9       9:30am                                                 Village of Colebrook – meet at town parking lot and then disperse to various locations


Always check your emails the night before or the morning of events to look for changes.  Email Evie for directions, concerns or questions, etc.

** Lancaster Fair will give free passes to paint & the passes are good for the whole week.  However,  the passes will not be good for music venues.  We are asked to each donate one painting.  The money raised by auctioning off the art will go towards new stables for the fair.  We don’t have to paint horses, but it would be nice.  We may paint any livestock.  You must sign up to paint at the fair so I know to whom to give the passes ahead of time.



For more information, please contact Evie Moder at [email protected].

Plein air artists were serenaded as they worked in gorgeous surroundings at the Zarli home in Columbia.



Evie Moder and Marty Zarli during an en plein air paintout at the Hodge farm in East Colebrook in May 2024.  A number of Connecticut River Artisan Group (CRAG) artists participated in the event on a beautiful day at a spectacular location.

Photo of from left to right Peggy Deyette, Evie Moder, Carol Reynolds, Mia Mia Jaworski, and Al Moder who participated in a plein air paintout at the Moder’s house on Fish Pond Road in Colebrook.  The group captured some magnificent scenes on a beautiful summer day.

Photo of Evie Moder during the plein air paintout at the Poore Farm on Sunday, July 7, 2024.  On a beautiful day, Evie and other artists were able to capture the beauty of the grounds and buildings at the Farm.  The next plein air event will be in the park in Canaan, VT on Monday, July 15th.
Photo of Connecticut River Artisan Group (CRAG) members painting in the park in Canaan during an en plein air event.
Photo of Janet Hart, Mia Jaworski, and Evie Moder during a plein air event at the Lancaster Fair.  Thanks to the efforts of Sharon Ellingwood White, artists from the Connecticut River Artisans (CRAG) group painted at various locations at the fair.  The paintings will be part of a silent auction later to support the building of new stalls at the fairgrounds.
The next plein air event will be held in Colebrook on Monday, September 9, 2024.
Photos of Peggy Moon, Mia Jaworski, and Marty Zarli in action during the plein air paintout in Colebrook, New Hampshire.  The paintout was sponsored by the Connecticut River Artisan Group (CRAG).  For more information about CRAG, please visit their website at, Facebook page or call 603-237-9302.
The next plein air event will be held at the Community Forest in Canaan, Vermont on Saturday, September 14, 2024.
Photo from left to right of Ann Dickinson, Pat Klinefelter, Mia Jaworski, and Janet Hart who participated in a plein air event at the Canaan town forest.  The forest is located between Canaan and Beecher Falls, Vermont and its hiking trails are available to everyone.  It’s a beautiful spot to enjoy the natural resources of our area.