Joining CRAG

Membership Application Form

Thank You for Doing Your Part to Support the Arts

Please consider joining or renewing your membership and support CRAG and its on-going endeavors to support the arts in the North Country. Since 2006 CRAG has given its members opportunities to show their work at local venues including the Upper Connecticut Valley Hospital, Indian Stream Health Center, the Tillotson Center and the Coos County Nursing Home.

CRAG sponsors art shows during the summer in Colebrook, Pittsburg and Canaan. Our annual Art Auction held at Fiddleheads in Colebrook is always a great success and gives individuals the opportunity to purchase works of art at very reasonable prices.  Juried members can now sign up for solo shows in addition to participating in group exhibits at our gallery at Fiddleheads. Members also teach a variety of well-attended classes on everything from photography to basketry.

Become a new member or renew your membership today! 

As a Sponsor or Patron you will be recognized at all of our exhibits, in press releases and host one of the gallery opening receptions.

As always, your donation is 100 percent tax deductible and will be used to cover the costs of expenses related to CRAG exhibits, events and classes.


Please return this page by mail with your donation.
_____ I have enclosed a check for $20.00 (Student Member)


_____ I have enclosed a check for $25.00 (Artist/Artisan Member)


_____ I have enclosed a check for $50.00 (Friend of CRAG)


_____ I have enclosed a check for $100.00 (CRAG Associate)


_____ Other donation $___________


(Please Print)




Mailing Address:


Phone Number:


E-mail Address:


Please make your check payable to CRAG and mail it to: P.O. BOX 27, COLEBROOK, NH 03576