
The Connecticut River Artisan Group (CRAG), was established in 2006, by a collective group of visual artists, centrally located in the northern towns of New Hampshire, and Vermont.The group has since expanded its membership to other fine artisans (photographers, wood carvers, basket makers, etc.), and currently consists of members from Pittsburg, Colebrook, and West Stewartstown, NH, Canaan and Norton, VT, and Coaticook, PQ. The group sponsors various arts events and activities, working to promote an appreciation for the arts by creating opportunities for group and solo exhibitions by its members, as well as other artists & artisans living and working throughout the region. Through the generosity of the members, local businesses, and benefactors the group continues to organize and sponsor art classes for area youth and adults. CRAG creates opportunities for area artists and plays an important role in developing a creative economy in the north country.

For more information about CRAG, please call 603-237-9302 or email [email protected].  Our mailing address is: CRAG P.O. Box 27, Colebrook, NH 03576

Member Websites:
Deeda’s Baskets: www.deedasbaskets.com
Patricia Klinefelter: www.artistpatriciaklinefelter.com
Michelle Johnson: www.michelejohnsen.com
Roxanne Herres: https://sunnvalleystock.pixieset.com/